
Christians in general, and scholarly religious professionals in particular seem to appreciate books. Plus, my boss is a prolific writer, cranking out one or two books per year.

In addition to the books I designed each year, I also managed the preparation and printing of those designed by freelancers. As you might guess, a lot of preparation goes into printing a book, including cover design, text design and layout, printing estimates, ISBN application and bar code creation, and the printing itself. There are a lot of things to get right when it comes to book publishing. My experience has been that most freelance designers know very little about book design and layout. I’ve taught several of them how to do it, frequently redoing their artwork to get the technical aspects correct.

My internship at the University of Missouri Press, while I was in college, has served me well in designing books and teaching interns and freelance designers.

(Click on each image to see it larger.)

Book of reports cover. This is a 80-page book produced annually. It serves as the program book for use at the Missouri Baptist Convention annual meeting.

Book of Reports text pages.

