Annual Meeting

The Missouri Baptist Convention Annual Meeting is a two-day gathering of messengers, pastors, church leaders, and visitors from nearly 1,900 Missouri Baptist churches located across the state. The meeting is held in late October at a different city each year…Kansas City, St. Louis, Springfield, Cape Girardeau, Lake of the Ozarks, etc. Attendance peaked around 4,500 in the mid-90s, but has declined to about 1,200 in recent years. The meeting features preaching, worship, music, business sessions, and an exhibit area and book store.

Printed materials used at the event include functional pieces such as the Bulletin & Book of Reports (program book), name tags, ballots, maps, informational flyers, signs, and banners.

Also prepared for the event were promotional materials for the various groups and ministries having displays, luncheons, dinners, and meetings. These materials included signs, banners, displays, flyers, brochures, and posters, etc. These all added up to a huge amount of graphics materials.

My goal each year in designing the graphics for the event was to create a logo representing the theme, with typefaces, colors, and images that create a consistent look and feel for all event materials.

Bulletin & Book of Reports, 80-page, program book, front and back cover.

Bulletin & Book of Reports, 80-page, program book, text pages spread.

Padded Ballots, used for voting in business sessions.

Daily Bulletin. Two issues prepared and printed overnight during the meeting.

Six-foot tall stand-up displays used in hallways and display booths.

Banner headers used on each company display.

Directional signs used in hallways.