Missouri Missions Offering

The Missouri Missions Offering (MMO) is an annual offering promoted in the summer, given during September, and collected until December 31 each year. MMO is the second largest source of funding for the missions and ministry efforts of the Missouri Baptist Convention. Several large ministries are entirely funded by MMO gifts, including Women’s Ministries and Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief. A large allocation of funds is sent to several related institutions, including the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home, Hannibal-LaGrange University, Hannibal, Mo., and Southwest Baptist University, Bolivar, Mo.

A fundraising goal is established each year. It ranged from $675,000 to $750,000 during my years of promoting the offering.

My goal was to design a promotion packet that appealed to all ages and genders in the local churches where the offering was collected.

The color scheme of the MMO logo matches that of the Missouri Baptist Convention “mb” logo, which matches that of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) logo. The same MMO logo is used each year. I redesigned the logo shown here several years ago and this is the most recent version. A great deal of time was invested in choosing the perfect typeface for the logo, as well as for the promotion packet each year. The typefaces and artwork used were selected to compliment the new theme each year.

mmo_booklet_OFCInstructions booklet


MMO_DVD_labelMMO_offering_envelopeMMO_order_cardDVD, offering envelope, order card

mmo_sticker_posterProgress poster shipped with color decals to be added as the church reaches each percentage of it’s goal.

mmo_week-of-prayer_brochure_Page_1mmo_week-of-prayer_brochure_Page_2Eight-day week of prayer brochure

Six-foot tall stand-up vinyl banners

www.momissions.orgMMO WordPress blog (no longer active)